My mom used to like to occasionally play solitaire on her computer during the years after my dad had passed away. There are lots of solitaire card games out there, but she liked the original. I guess it’s called Klondike. It’s the only one I know. I keep it on my iPhone and play occasionally.
So, I was playing a game of solitaire this week and was surprised by what happened. The cards weren’t surprising or unusual in any way. What surprised me is how I spontaneously started observing my mind’s reactions to how the game was going. There’s a big emphasis in Vedanta philosophy on watching your own mind; becoming a witness of its activities, and realizing that your mind is not who you are. You are the awareness that can observe the mind. One thing I noticed during the game was the repeated thought wondering if it is still possible to win the game. I’ve been learning in the classes that attachment to particular outcomes is one of our primary sources of suffering. Yes, whenever I thought that it may not be possible to win, I noticed a little suffering in my mind. Then I would bring my focus back to what my next moves would be in the present moment, and the suffering would disappear. Wow. As the game progressed, the thoughts of winning/losing became more and more obvious whenever they would arise ….. They were ruining the fun! So I made a big decision. I would not allow the outcome, whatever it turned out to be, I would not allow the outcome to nullify the enjoyment I was getting from making one move at a time. What a lesson for life! Who knew that Vedanta could be applied while playing solitaire?
Meanwhile, the Seven Week Vedanta Course concluded last week. What a marathon! About 100 people stayed here for the whole thing. Then there were even more than that for the Thanksgiving Weekend Vedanta Course. Lots of recording and editing of video and audio files while also juggling the new offering of live streaming the classes as pay-per-view. What’s the bottom line? I’m loving it. ?
Love Always,
Unfortunately, when our desires are fulfilled, we are still not satisfied. More flames of desire flare up. In spite of this repeated experience, it doesn’t occur to us that desires fail us. They fail to lead to a life of fulfillment.
Actually, the desire behind all desires is to be free from desire. Think about it.
Start to see God more and more in all people and all things. If you can’t see God in the city yet, at least see Him in nature. If you can’t love all people yet, at least increase the circle of people you love without expectations. Love them as they are.
Don’t let your desire for happiness and love be like the desire of the man trying to find his glasses when they are on top of his head. Looking all around outside does not help.